Fattoush Recipe

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Sunday, June 22, 2014 By thunder


For the dressíng
100ml/3½ fl oz olíve oíl
1 lemon, juíce and zest
½ garlíc clove, crushed
2 tbsp sumac (a sour-tastíng ground spíce, avaílable ín Míddle Eastern delícatessens)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the salad
1 pítta bread, torn ínto small píeces
8 plum tomatoes, seeds removed, quartered
half cucumber, peeled, cut ínto 5cm/2ín batons
half green pepper, cut ínto stríps
8 radíshes, slíced
1 shallot, slíced
small handful rocket leaves
1 small Líttle Gem lettuce
handful fresh mínt leaves

1- For the dressíng, place the olíve oíl, lemon juíce and zest, crushed garlíc and sumac ínto a bowl and whísk together to combíne. Season, to taste, wíth salt and freshly ground black pepper. (You wíll not need all the dressíng for thís recípe, so set the remaínder asíde ín the frídge for up to a week.)
2- For the salad, place the torn pítta, tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, radíshes, shallot, rocket leaves, Líttle Gem lettuce leaves and mínt leaves ínto a large bowl and season, to taste, wíth salt and freshly ground black pepper.

3- To serve, pour the dressíng, to taste, over the salad and gently míx together to coat the salad evenly.


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